Monday, March 2, 2009

What's the frequency, Kenneth?

R.E.M is awesome.

So, let's seeee... I can't think of anything to comment on.

Hah. I think the library hates me and my friends. There's a piano in the room where my Shakespeare club practices, and we were getting started, and a friend of mine starts playing Free Falling on the piano. Naturally, me, four or five guys and two girls start belting it out. Only two of us can sing. And only one of those two is singing.

Cammie's new favorite game is Mario. I told him a few times that one of the first completely 3D games was Super Mario 64. He responds with "That's great, bub. Get me past this level, please." I'm his go-to guy for video game help. Most of my contact with humanity is with Cammie, to be quite honest.

Yes, I am a recluse. But I'm a future author.

Fun fact; Edgar Allan Poe married his cousin. Quoth the Raven; it's legal in Kentucky.

It's about my bedtime here so I'll sign off. And I'm going to be adding some fancy features to the site. And by 'I', I mean my friend who knows how to code stuff.



  1. Is it seriously legal in Kentucky? Einstein married his cousin, too. Does this mean Cammie and Kensey are getting hitched?

    I remember seeing Mario 64 on my grandparents' TV (my cousins had brought it) and being completely, completely blown away.

  2. I think so. And I don't know. Kens is one of the few girls that Cammie likes. The rest just annoy him.

    It was one of my favorite games for a while. Ah, Mario, you Italian rascal. But apparently red mushrooms don't make you bigger.

  3. 1.) Did you really quote R.E.M? Wow...I had no idea people from your generation could recognize quality music.

    2.) Why on Earth would you think the library hates you? Silly boy.

  4. 1) I share my dad's taste in music. The Rolling Stones, Pet Shop Boys, the Who, REM, etcetera. ^^ My mom gives me a hard time about it. She hates riding in the car with me and my dad because we usually pop Exile on Main Street in and belt it out.

    2) I am very silly.
