Saturday, March 7, 2009

I hate a lack of control.

I'm neurotic. I need to control SOMETHING, almost all the time. So if you see me air-piano-ing, it's not because I'm bored; it's just because I need something to control. And whether it's tapping lightly on the table or drifting off into a world of pure fantasy as I dream up a story, I'm controlling it. And that's good enough for me.

However, being a minor, I have a surprising lack of control in my day-to-day life. So that's a constant source of annoyance for me.

Anyways, just finished Pretties today. Equally as fantastic as Uglies, I must say.I will be starting on Specials tomorrow, after church. Hopefully I don't have anything else planned. If I spend the day at home, or at the library, I should finish Specials by Monday.

Anyways, it's my bedtime, and I need to sleep or else waking me up tomorrow morning will be impossible. So, good night, and good luck.



  1. Man Jared, you do read fast! I am just now reading Specials. I like it but I am not flying through it like I did with Uglies and Pretties.

    Have you ever thought of writing reviews of the books that you read on a different blog? Or maybe on this blog? That would be pretty cool!

    I am glad you liked Rash. I LOVE Pete Hautman! Have you read anything by Chris Crutcher?

  2. Just finished Specials. It was fantastic, it definately picks up near the end,

    I can definately do that! If I ever get around to fixing this site up, I will!

    Not yet, I don't think. I'll probably be at the library a lot tomorrow, so I'll have to check him out!

  3. What are these? What are these uglies and pretties and specials?

  4. A book series! A fantastical book series! It's about a society where when you turn 16 you're made beautiful. Uglies starts off with Tally meeting a fellow Ugly named Shay who doesn't want to be made pretty. I could go on forever if you'd like.

  5. That's funny. I need everything to be balanced or symmetrical.

  6. this series sounds awesome. who's it by? maybe i can find it at the library.

  7. Scott Westerfield. Sorry for taking so long to reply.
