Sunday, March 29, 2009

The color of infinity inside an empty glass.

It is remarkably similar to the color of infinity inside a half-empty glass, albeit with less distortion.

I've been reading A Softer World lately. It's fantastic.

Been recovering from a case of strep throat lately. Feeling a lot better now, it's become a minor annoyance when I swallow and an earache, which is odd.

Part of me wants a world that has no crime, no hatred. I know that's a futile wish, though. World peace. Without chaos, there can be no order. One can't exist without the other. It's a constant thing. Some people think about their future spouses at night. I sit and muse about the futility of wishing for world peace. Maybe that's why I've been unlucky relationship-wise so far?


Well, I need to get some sleep or something, so I'll leave you with this: a quote from

I sold all our possessions and filled our car with snacks while you were gone. I released the cat. I crank called 911. I bit the landlord. We can never go back! We're free.


P.S. This may be a bit late, but Mitch Hedberg, rest in peace.

Monday, March 23, 2009

You look like you could use a monkey.

For those of you who haven't heard of KinokoFry, it's an awesome webcomic by Rebecca Clements, a currently Melbourne-based artist who is phernomenal, and an awesome person. Her website is

This one time, I was walking home from the pharmacy, my 20oz Pepsi and a pack of reece's pieces in a small plastic bag dangling from my right hand. I trudged through the hall, nodding my respects to creepy graffiti frowning face on the pillar. I noticed that one of the doors up ahead was dented in. I paid no heed to it, seeing as that stuff happens all the time to those doors, and continued on my way.

Suddenly, a voice spoke out behind me. "You know anything about this, boy?" I turned and looked at the owner of the voice. An older man, taller and bigger than myself, and of Hispanic heritage, was looking at me.

"Nope, can't say I do." I said, pausing and waiting for a reply.

"Here, let me give you my card." he said, moving over to his car, a big old pickup truck. I followed him cautiously. I'd seen him around before- he was the repairman or the landlord or something.I waited on the sidewalk and he handed his card to me. His breath smelled like cheap liqour, the kind the 'gangstas' outside the library drink. That stands out to me because this dude was A; repairing a door using powertools and B; driving a truck.

I still have that card around here somewhere. I should give him a call sometime. I know who did it, anyways; the kids who climb on the roof and light up at night.

- Jared

Thursday, March 19, 2009

My week thus far.

Sorry for not posting, I lost the ethernet drivers on my PC in an inadvertant uninstallation and can't get internet on my personal computer anymore. I am currently typing from my dad's laptop.

I've had an uneventful week so far. Saw Mall Cop today, listened to music all day, getting ready to spend an hour or so tomorrow getting to draw stuff at a pond. I have shaky hands, mostly because of my caffeine addiction (I come by it honestly, though.) and so most of my drawings are scribbles. Me and my two year old cousin draw about the same things.

Cammie is, between asmhatic coughs, telling me to say hi to Kens. So, hi, Kens! Cammie avoids sickness all winter and come spring, his cough begins to act up.

Well, that's pretty much it. Once I calm down and regain my head a bit I'll have a better post than this.

- Jared

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I am totally jealous of Cam's Mario toothbrush. It plays music.

Being sick sucks. I have a cold, nothing major, for now anyways. The top/back of my mouth burns a bit and I have a bad cough, those are the only things that suggest it is something else. As you can see it's throwing off my sentence structure and grammar and stuff.

Taught a class on Monday (pre-illness). It's my mom's weather class and she had to miss it so guess who got to teach? Not her helpers in the class, moi. And they liked me better.

New band of the week: Thomas Tantrum. Check them out. Don't feel like doing a full review right now, so sorry guys.

Cool YouTuber of the week: This was harder. I went with youcantstandmenow, because she's adorable and she has awesome hair.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I hate a lack of control.

I'm neurotic. I need to control SOMETHING, almost all the time. So if you see me air-piano-ing, it's not because I'm bored; it's just because I need something to control. And whether it's tapping lightly on the table or drifting off into a world of pure fantasy as I dream up a story, I'm controlling it. And that's good enough for me.

However, being a minor, I have a surprising lack of control in my day-to-day life. So that's a constant source of annoyance for me.

Anyways, just finished Pretties today. Equally as fantastic as Uglies, I must say.I will be starting on Specials tomorrow, after church. Hopefully I don't have anything else planned. If I spend the day at home, or at the library, I should finish Specials by Monday.

Anyways, it's my bedtime, and I need to sleep or else waking me up tomorrow morning will be impossible. So, good night, and good luck.


Friday, March 6, 2009

"Eyyyyyy!" "Eyyyy!" "I should be leaving now."

Ah, The Office. Doesn't get much better than that. Steve Carrel is a fantastic man. Will he ever return the glove?!

Not much happened today. Went to Big Bone Lick and then got chicken wings with my family, sans my sister, who went to the mall.

Not saying that I WATCH america's next top model or anything, but if I DID I would have to say that Allison is my girl. And that Tyra's head is getting bigger by the second.

Finished Rash today. Fantastic book! 10/10.

And I am going to start writing chapter 1 of my story tomorrow. Explosions and firefights galore!

Peace owt.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

And frozen things, they all unfreeze...

Been listening to Bruises, by Chairlift, and Every Day I Work On The Road, by Voicst nonstop.

Ooh, and Valerie Plame, by The Decemberists.

Why, yes, I AM an indie rock nerd. Thank you for noticing.

Anyways, if I ever go insane? Yeah, I want to get Multiple Personality Disorder. I've been reading Sybil and it is FANTASTICAL.

People trust me A LOT apparently. My mom is addicted to sweet tea from a cafe near here, McAllister's, and she is not a people person so I run in for her. I'm on a first name basis with a few of the servers there (Hi Chris, if you're reading this!). Well, today I was feeling particularly absentminded and forgot my method of payment in the van. I didn't realize it until AFTER I had recieved the two teas, a Coke and two cookies. They let me walk out, with the food, and bring the card back in. I felt good for a bit.

Today we babysat my niece. Out of the three teenagers in my mom's side of the family, I'm her favorite. NOT TO PAT MY OWN BACK OR ANYTHING. She's two and AWESOME. And funny as can be. She's a handful though.

My life is extremely boring, I need to get some excitement in it. That's all for now.

- Jared

I need stuff to read.

Anyone have any suggestions? I'm reading a book called Rash (which is awesome) and another one called Finding Lubchenko. That one's good too. I just finished Uglies which was amazing.

I've got a few ideas for a story bouncing around in my head so I may be making a new page to hold those. So, yeah, keep your eyes peeled.

There hasn't been much going on lately, now that I think of it. Life's pretty boring here. -shrug-

Oh, yeah, any music recommendations?

Monday, March 2, 2009

What's the frequency, Kenneth?

R.E.M is awesome.

So, let's seeee... I can't think of anything to comment on.

Hah. I think the library hates me and my friends. There's a piano in the room where my Shakespeare club practices, and we were getting started, and a friend of mine starts playing Free Falling on the piano. Naturally, me, four or five guys and two girls start belting it out. Only two of us can sing. And only one of those two is singing.

Cammie's new favorite game is Mario. I told him a few times that one of the first completely 3D games was Super Mario 64. He responds with "That's great, bub. Get me past this level, please." I'm his go-to guy for video game help. Most of my contact with humanity is with Cammie, to be quite honest.

Yes, I am a recluse. But I'm a future author.

Fun fact; Edgar Allan Poe married his cousin. Quoth the Raven; it's legal in Kentucky.

It's about my bedtime here so I'll sign off. And I'm going to be adding some fancy features to the site. And by 'I', I mean my friend who knows how to code stuff.
