Friday, April 17, 2009

I'm a pretty awesome guy.

I forget to update my blog and don't afraid of anything.

Hello, readers! I am home from vacation, and I have been for a while now, and I have just remembered to type this up! Well, my vacation was great! Hilton Head Island. We had bad weather the first few days (50 and rainy, bleh) but then it warmed up. Cammy turned 7 down there!

I've been listening to a LOT of My First Earthquake lately, namely their Chaunukkah (spelling?) single Fa La Freezing. Makes me want to have a huge Christmas/Chaunnukkah party this year.

Anywaysss, that's pretty much all that's gone on lately. Prom, or my version of it, is coming up, debating whether or not to go, etc, etc. If I go it'll be to watch my two wingmen slow dance during Muskrat Love or whatever song they play for the couples.



  1. cammy turned 7!

    cammy turned 7!

    wuuut wut is muskrat love?

  2. An old love song.

    Yup, Cammy turned seven. He's watching TV and making weird faces right now.
