Friday, April 24, 2009

Prom '09 or; How I Flailed Around With My Best Friend and His Girlfriend

So, yeah. Just got home from prommm, and my feet hurt. Look for upcoming footage of mine and my friend's Travolta-styled dance movie. I have to play the girl since his girlfriend wouldn't. I've got blisters on my feet. Whew. So, the basic itinerary for me at dances is:
-Find out who I know
-Flail with them for a bit
-Pick someone random who isn't dancing with much life/pep
-Dance wildly in front of them until they begin to dance wildly
-Also kick some butt at Thriller
-Find a random girl friend of mine to dance with
-Sit down for a few minutes
-Request, to no avail, that the DJ play The Time Warp
-Flail some more.

So, yeah. Productive night. I'll have a better post soon.

And no, I didn't have a date. I will next year, hopefully!


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